Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

123 Episode 1st May Miley Jab Hum Tum Written Update

Epi startted wid Uday & Mayank..Uday came to Manao mayank 4d play.. He offered him some chocholates & said,he never shared dis wid any1 but 1st time sharing & thats also wid Mayank..mayank asked what' u want.. Uday was like..Mayank no doubt u r d most intelizent student of d college..Mayank abt to left coz he really cant stand Uday stupid's talk..But uday is like,he went down to his keens & No mayank..listen to me..Dont say no 4d play..on ur words my love is dependeble n all..Mayank was geeting embarrassed as every 1 watching all thse..he shouted over Uday..& Uday..GayebLOL

Scene shifted to Gunupur-Nupur was saying Ghunjan that go n tell everything to sam..may be he think u more than as a friend but like u may be he's not understanding his own feelings.. & 4that u need to tell him all this.may be then he can truly understand his feelings 4u..

scene shifted to Samrat-Mayank-samrat was serching 4Ghunjan..& then he saw mayank..he goes to him,,1st Mayank was like You? samrat yes me..:) Samrat asked abt Ghunjan ,did u saw her?Mayank was like hmm what's d matter ,today every1 serching 4Ghunjan..samrat said..oh no. i think tumse toh Nupur k bare mein pussna chahiye..
Mayank gave a streen look..& said..Nice to meet i need to go..sam stoped him..said,dude dont u think now we need to walk on d same rode now..Mayank said no..i dont think so coz im not taking part in d play..Samrat said what? but y? Mayank said i dont wanna tell u that..Samrat but i know its bcoz of Nupur..Then dey talked abt their childhood..& samrat makes Mayank realize that he doesnt need to hide 4m any1..Go & take part & win it..Mayank said..hmm right..He left..

Scene shifted to SS-Sam by chance asked to shena abt Ghunjan.. sheena asked to is it a trick to talk to me..samrat replies..not at all.. Ghunjan is not a excuse 4me..she's..she's(mera dumbo sweetu phir ruk gayaLOLWink)Samrat chaned d topic..ok u tell me what u r doing here..Sheena replied..Im serching 4Mayank..samrat was like hmm..Sheena said,,y? jealous..? sam replies,..1dude is inront u.. & u r serching 4another dude..but must say..ur choice is cool..Sheena said well.. i was serching 4him bcoz i want to tell do take part in d play..sam was like..what? d same thing i'v said to him a while ago.. hmm so i think i can read ur mind..shhena-hmm nice but i think i can do d job better.. Sam-hmm then y not do it wid a cup of coffe.. sheena replied..ok Both left..

Scene shifted to Mayank-Tamanna- mayank said to mam that he wanna take part now..She was very happy to see dat.. mayank told sorry 4his behaiviour.. He has a problem & that is he doesnot give any1 permission to change his decision ..even not to himself..but now he wants to do it..Miss Tammana added.. Mayank ur problem is u cant express ur feeling & acting is d best way to do it.. & u took d right decision..

Scene shifted to Gunur-Ghunjan said to nupur bcoz of all this she doesnt want to loose a friend like sam. but nupur said to herself but she cant see Ghunjan like dat & she needs to talk to sam..

Precap: Nupur take samrat wid her..coz she wants to talk wid him..
& Mayank acting ..actually acting what samrat used to do..& Uday was really impressed by him & said. if he was truly like dis phir toh real samrat v isse haar jata..


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