Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

113 Episode 17th April Miley Jab Hum Tum Written Update

Epi startted wid Nupur-She was looking 4Mayank that time she met wid sam..Nupur asked to sam did he saw Mayank..sam said no but i also looking 4Ghunjan..Nupur was like oh yeah really? 4what? Sam said just 4doing some masti wid my best friend..Nupur said oh!Wid best friend..oh yeah me also waiting 4 my saddo friend,dont know where is he,said we r going together 4coffe but now dont know where he is..Samrat said ok dont worry mill jayegha.. Nupur said ok..Both was abt to left but sam stoped & said in Nups ears ..All d best..Both laughed & left..

scene shifted to Sajan-Ghunjan met wid sam,Sam asked where she's going..Ghunjan said nowhere..ving headache so going home..Samrat said ok shall i drop u at home..Ghunjan said no its ok i'll be ok just need to take some rest..samrat said ok,then i'll call u at evening wait 4 my call :)then left..

Scene shifted to Mayank- He reached at home..& was saying to himself-u need to change ur expression there is no Nupur now..He said himself something in Shukla's style & hit d bell ..Nupur opened d door & he was like uuuu??

Scene shifted to canteen-Diya,sam,benji,chako every1 was making fun of uday..that time RV come der & said to diya u might be getting bored..Can we go 4 a bike ride..Diya said..dude chill be in ur limit..But RV d besharam didnt gave up..heasked again..That time sam come der & said diya doesnt need to go wid u 4a bike ride coz she drive cars very well..RV said dont talk like baccha.. sam replied bacche toh phir v bade ho jate hai but jokers remain always jokers..dat time Rv got angry & come in a fighting mood..Chinu drp there & told to samm..baba leave now 4m canteen ..nahin toh princi 'll get angry & so he said toi RV..Samrat said to RV again..go baccha,nahin toh our chinu 'll mind..

Scene shifted to Mayur-Mayank enter at home & when he saw his mom made a lot of foods..he was like did u made so many foods 4BARATIES..M's mom not that lucky dear..when u'll agree 4 marry that time i 'll walk wid a stick..

scene shifted to Ghunjan-She was abt to brun all stuff which sam gave ..but that time sam called & while g was talking wid him,she realised sam carec a lot abt her & she cant loose a friend like him..

Scene shifted to Mayur-All 3 was having dinner..Mayank finished his dinner & abt to leave but mom stoped him by saying its bad manners when every1 is still on table y u r leaving..Mayank stay there & said indirectly to Nupurt that its a bad manner as well when some1 talk while eating..Nupur & mayank's mom give M a tough expression..
Mayank mom said ok let drop d bad discussion n start a happy discussion as its a rose day so lets talk abt romance..She asked nupur..what kind of price charming u want 4 u.. she said abt d fortune teller what she said to nupur n all....
She added once she got her prince charming she'll not let him go..& m's mom said-ok then let not mayank go then..both get shocked..

scene shifted to Ghunjan-She wore again d lucky breclet..
epi ginished..

Precap:Mayank telling his mom he cant ignore his goals of life 4a girl..
Ghunjan telling Nupur abt sam's surprize :)


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