Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

4 Feb

at the bus Mayank stands up and shouted that oh that OM shanti OM coming. Nupur shouted that where was that now, they will enjoy. Nupur and chironji trying to see film but tv was off. Mayu told that he was joking as she was acting of sleep. May says that now he is not joking that a cockroach was near to her feet's. She look down and shouted she push the man who behind her seat and cross to Mayu and seated on Mayu's seat in hurrying. After seated she thanks to God and chironji was searching the cockroach. Chironji asked a lady if she wan a window seat. That lady left her seat and chironji take the seat that she on the right side of Nupur and Mayu. He talking to Nupur and told that he gave his seat another lady and he is very nice boy. Makes her see the view. Mayu uneasy and Nupur look happy. She told that he was their neighbor .she shack hand to him.Mayu makes faces and Nupur told him that don't make faces if he feel boring then he can see the film on TV. Chironji told that he has an idea .he started Antakshri. He starts a funny song "maa ka lardka sikurd gaya. Mayu was angry. Nupur and chironji playing Antakshri and Mayu has irritated. Bus stopped on it's stand and conductor told them if they want eat and fresh then they have 15 minutes. Nupur told Mayu that she has to Mayu thanks God. Chironji asked could he give her company .she told that where she is going there no need for his company. She comes out of the bus. she saw a news paper stall and asked him about bathroom. He pointed her. She saw a filmy magazine and get happy she wants its pervious published. He told that he could provide her. He gives her. She told him that he packed all additions of pervious year for her and she will pass her time in Bus to read it. Mayu has seen out of the window and he saw Nupur on the stall.he look at his watch and talked himself that he think that she want to went bathroom but what she was doing here.

Scene shifted to college, Gunjan has a list of the steps of competition. Sam was hiding behind the pillar and he listen all that. She told her self that how she could be done all that.

She saw a basketball, which has a smiley face. The ball talked to her. He told the story that nobody plays with him and he was alone. She sits on her keen to get it then he told that he forget to tell his name, he is little Sam. Gunjan asked that Sam. He tell that Sammy. She looks around and want see Sam who was talking and she saw Sam. She wants to leave but Sam makes her stop. They stare each other.

Scene shifted to Mayur, Nupur bargaining to stall keeper. She told that these are only wastage for him but he told that so many like her come here to purchase it. Mayu saw that conversation from window. She told that he present any one person who wants to purchase it right now. Mayu look at his watch and tense. he told himself that today she hang them, go bathroom and come fast, she is a queen of talking. He thinks something and smiles. he told himself that if she will not come its better and he get tow seats and will sleep easily. He spreads his leg on two seats and closes his eyes. chironji come to him and asked that which madam come with him she was not come yet. Mayu told that she was singing with him then can go t find her. Cherry told that she will missed her bus. Mayu put his figure on his ears. Nupur make to saw a note to the stall keeper. She told him that how strange person he was, if he has any problem with her. She told that she used that note to many times Moreno to Bombay and Bombay to Moreno. The stall keeper holds his head in his hands. She told that he convince when she called all people here to prove that this note is not wrong but his brain is lost. Stall keeper told her that he accepting her not and take care of it and will not give it to any one. The conductor called that Bus is going come to bus quickly. Nupur told that she is coming .she told stall keeper to packed it and not hide some from these. He caught his ears and shakes his head in nod.

She goes to bathroom. Mayu was sleeping and chary was worried. The Bus was staring then chary tells to conductor that Nupur who has long hair not return yet. Every one shouting then Mayu opens his eyes and asked why everyone shouting. chary told that Nupur not yet come. He also worried but told that she made a mistake and she will pay it. chary told that they will not left her here. Someone told him that if he is worried then he could go to find her. Chary refuse to go out. A woman told conductor that he starts the Bus otherwise return their money. Mayu was worried and think.

Scene shifted to Sajan, Gunjan told him to let her go and she already tense. He told that someone tense too and want to help her but not only look at him. She requests him to let her go. He told that think about if she left little Sam here them poem permashwar skip him in dustbin and in dustbin very suffocating to him. She told that she not knows. He asked that if in the place of that little Sam, she seen a doggy then she would not help him he added that that little Sammy has feeling like doggy. She stops and thinks. Sam put the little Sammy on the ground and looks at her and smiles. He told that he suffered every time and when he is ill then everyone rejected her and that is very sad. She told that if he feels too much sad then why he was not caring him. Sam stands up and told that for that he has to made his friend and except her how know that he would not be a good friend and he need a good friend like her, think about it. Sam left. Gunjan look at him and think.

Nupur comes and told that who make that bathroom; it's so far from stop. Stall keeper smiles because bus has gone and Nupur didn't know that. She told that he is a villager then they can build bathroom near to bus stop. He told that he would be trying. He smiled. Nupur asked him that why he is smiling if she tale a joke. He told that nothing. She wants her bundle. He give it and told that carefully may rope could be break and she has to walked 14 mile on her foot. She shocked .he make her to saw toward the Bus which has gone. She turns toward bus and shocked to not saw it. She worried and looks here and there but there was no bus. On her back the stall keeper smiles. She crying and told herself that what se do know.

Scene shifted to Gunjan, she think about ball. She looks at the ball and tells herself that she would not take that ball. She walked but remembers Sam's talks and turn toward ball and tells that but she can't leave him there and she take it in safe place she take the ball. Sam was seeing her and hides behind the pillars

Nupur was crying and then she saw Mayank and bundle of magazine, which she has bought. She stops carrying and picks that magazine. And she goes to him who lying on the bench and reading newspaper. She asked to him what he is doing here .he not answering. She asked if he locked his mouth .he remove paper from his face and seat. He told that interesting if she free for think about it. She asked him that talked to clearly where is bus? He told that It was on it way, he meant 5 kilometer far from here and one more thing that her cloth also with bus. She shocked and she told what she would do now. She asked Mayu if bus has gone in real. Mayu told that yes. She asked why he not stopped bus. He acts to crying like Nupur and tells that he tries but bus not stop even bus left him here too. In last he shout on her in anger. She crying and prayed that what she do know. Mayu picks bundle of magazines in anger and give her and tell her to read her Maya pari and relief your tension. She told him that she already worried about her baggage and no time to hear his useless talks. He told that he is relaxed in tension and her language "chirdia Chug Gayi Khait" and it only because of her. She turn in anger and her hair hurt Mayank. He looks at her and asked where she was going. She told that its not his interest. He told that if she goes to find out information about upcoming and gone bus then she has wasting her time because no bus will come here. She told that they had not come here by flying, they came here by bus then next bus will be come soon. He told that no bus would come here. She told that if he think that he talked and she hear his talks then he is wrong. He told that this because this way it not on highway route .he more tells that no bus before one week. She goes to stall keeper and asked him about bus but he not response she tell him that she is like her younger sister and she was in trouble and he has to help .he still not respond .she again tells that in her, his real in trouble and a boy to tease her. She told a boy who follow him from Bombay. Mayank stand up in anger. The shop keeper no answer but wind up his stall she asked him why he is going he told that he close his shop and he will come here after one week when the bus come. She shocked. Mayu was smile on her. She goes to him and they have to walk from there. He told now she has to hear him because he was always right. She was tense.


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