Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

2 Feb

Nupur has called Mayank. She shouted and told him that why he was running. Mayank turn toward and tell her that keep her voice low that is college not her home. She told that why she keeps her voice low, as she did not uncivilized like him and she would shout more loudly. Mayank tease her and told that good because that suit on her and he didn't want to be part of all that. He turn to leave but Nupur told him that before leaving tell me that if I was uncivilized as your says then why sir Devdhar make me partner as civilized and cultured person like you. Mayank told her that I beg you that everyone seen and don't embrace me with you. Nupur look around and told him that people make crowd then I make them witness and tell you that if you will that competition only because of me. Mayank shocked and get angry and told her that if she wants to suicide then she welcome but after that moment she will dissipate her every moment that why she had accepted that journey. She told that they despair who fears to be defeated.

They stare each other and gone in opposite sides but the walked on one way like river's two sides flow together but not meet ever. Mayank was smiling.

In the canteen Benji Uday and Sam was eating and talking. Benji asked to Uday what happen to with him .he told that what he that what happened with him and he (Benji) know in today's lecture CJ has seated in front of his (Uday) seat. Benji make his face and Sam smile. he added that then he saw a dream that he is Raja Dushant and after new year Party his Shkuntala missing and he was calling him at the while CJ come in front of me and he asked her what she was doing here, he was calling her Shkuntala. Sam told that she told that she would be come every Monday to Thursday at 9:30 pm. Uday told that how you know about my dream. Sam told that he hided behind the tree.

Benji and Sam laughed. Sam advertises Drama Shunktala. He told that he interested

in That why CJ had acted Shunktala role in his (Uday) dream. Benji interrupt and stop him to talk.

Nupur was in a classroom and recovering her self and take deep breathing. She talking herself and told that Nupur controls your anger like a civilized person and chew her and spit out like pan. She make a voice of spit .Sam was passing from there and saw her .she was talking to her self that why Mayank has print in his mind. Sam hides and listen what she talking. She told that Mayu is look like monkey By God and she prayed God that might be give that innocent juggler Nupur make dance to Mayank Monkey everywhere and anytime. Sam enters in the room and after her prayed he told that her wish completed. She open her eyes and wonder that how God came here. She saw Sam. She embraced to see him and asked what he was doing here. He told that if you think that only you have a classic place for thinks. She tells him everything that by force teachers went her and Mayank Ahmedabad, because of that her mode offend. Sam told that he knows and not to worried. She told that she has not worried for anything ever but one thing that Mayank Sharma will be travel on worried van and he will see. Sam told that no daub but he not talking about Mayank he talking about Gunjan. Nupur shocked.

At the principle office Shukla sir and principle talking about radio jockey hunt with Gunjan. Princi told her that she has to go for jockey hunt tomorrow voice to Ahmedabad.

Shukla sir told her that she has known about singing and knowledge. He told that she only doing like Sam who hunt her voice in talent parade. Prnci told that she also help him in studying him in exams. princi told that Sam get first class position because of her. Shukla sir stops him to tell result to any student. Gunjan was shocking to hear that. pricni forbade him and told that he is college principle and he know when and what has to tell. She wants to refuse but they forced her to go and win that competition for Excel College. Gunjan was upset and think.

In classroom Nupur asked why worried for Gunjan and which new logic he has to use on her sister. He told that he only know to run bike not weapon. She told that By God he know to retract his words better but she will not come in his talked and he have to a promises. He told if his basketball and bike would not in danger the he would be promises because they are his fav. She told that then its mean Gunjan not in his Favs. List. He told that she trying so much for that and may be I making to come her in my favs. List if he has mode of it. She told him that after her gone he not mischief with her sister. He told that mischief and he no way. She asked if he was joking. He told he has promise and if someone wants to mischief with her then he will see him. He told that he would be done it without promise that Smile would not gone from her face, trust him. She want to shack hand but he make punch and shake that. he told that by the way he hope to God listen her wish and fulfill that. She make happy. He told that if God not listen that was not a problem because he is a cool dude .she told yes look at sky is green.

At Mayank 's house, Mayank packed his cloths and want to a yellow t-shirt but not find he called her mom. She told that that not yet received. Mom told him that he has never forgot anything. He told that he has his packing list and he told that he hope that madam Nupur packed her makeup kit bag and not forget to pack colleges important papers. Mom told that not underestimate her. He told that he never underestimate her even he was so happy that he got a talented partner like Nupur and she not make to talk their competitors. his mom shocked .he told that when they laughed then how they can speak. His Mom pulls his ear and told that too much. Phone bell rung and Nupur other side. He told yes. She told what the meaning tell hello. He makes face and told that he had no time come to point. she told that she not call him for gossip ,she remembering him to care full take the money which Devdhar sir give him and forget is. He told that who know him they know he didn't forgot anything, and if she find excuses to talking with him. She told that she only think about herself that if he will not care the money then she not like to travel in buses. he told that Devdhar sir suppose to that in the last minute you will be escape then he give me money and you think that they have no option then they sent you with me. She get angry then he told she only talked not anything except it .he add that you had listent hindi pherse gharajne wale badal barstey nahi. Mom caught the phone from him and want to speak. But Nupur shouted at him. Mom told that she conveys that to Mayank. Nupur fall her phone and greets her. She told that they have a soft voice but when they meet together then the only make noise. She advice her that she knows that clapping not placed with one hand but she has to focus on her target. She tell her good night and mom asked to Mayank if he want to tell her goodnight. He smiles. Nupur think that how sweet Mayan's mom but her son not has a little bit brain like his mom.

Mayank told her mom that sometime I think that may Nupur has little bit sense like you.

She told that she think that she grown him with lots of wisdom but she was wrong, that is the way to talking with girls and he has no respect. She pulls his ears.

Sam ready for packing and talked that tomorrow a new day and new start and he has ready fro that day. He added that was the start to complete the promise with Nupur and when Sam had promise then he completed it any condition. He told that line is so good but that mission is difficult because chashmish doesn't talk so much and haw much she talked only with her sister Nupur and when Nupur will not here then locked on her talking .he added that she talking only when she suppose to her friend and she talk with them without hesitation, and how make that impossible to possible. He play with basket ball and think. He smiles.

At Mayan's home, Mayank talked to his mom that when Nupur will go then nothing will be good and because of that he will be extra careful and which problem went with him, he has to solution of that before. His mom was smile and eating. She asked her at which time they was meet and Nupur has to left home. He told that he sure that she was dreaming at this time. Gunjan remove the cretin and Nupur open her eyes. She look at the clock and shouted that 7 am and she researching timetable and packing speedily and talking to herself. Gunjan look at her and smile. She told that she take bath and packed her bag. Gunjan packed her bag. She come out and told that do fast otherwise Mayu tant her. She saw that Gunjan is thought. Gunjan leave but Nupur call her. She told that if look upset like that how she could go. She told that if she tells true that didn't want to go her. Nupur think. Gunjan say sorry and told that go with relax and return with victory and not fight with Mayank. Nupur told that ok my mom and you also not make that sad face again and laugh by heart. They laugh and smile. Gunjan look sad. Nupur hug her.

Episode End'''..


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