Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

7th January

Jan 7th Update:

the next day, Samrat is shown studying notes at college. Benji comes along and quizzes him on marketing aesthetics and advertising. Samrat gives the correct answers and Benji is impressed that he is prepared now. Samrat regrets cheating and gives all the credit for his prep to Gunjan. Samrat feels bad that he teased Gunjan early on as Bhavesh and now, that he is hiding the truths from Gunjan. Benji says Gunjan is very bholi bhali, sweet ladki. Samrat says he never intended to hurt her and plans to tell her the truth after exams are over. Benji is proud of Samrat's action and feels that if Gunjan hears the truth from Samrat first, she will forgive him more easily.

dia and Annie overhears Benji-Sam's conversation and Dia plans to tell Gunjan the truth.She knows her sensitive cousin will be very upset on knowing the truth about the talent parade bet and Samrat cheating on his exams. Dia walks over to Sam-Gunjan, who are both discussing the notes. Samrat thanks Gunjan for her notes, in front of Dia. Dia pretends to be real happy that her cousin sis and best friend (Samrat) are such good friends now. But we know she does not mean it. Gunjan's notes fall down and Dia tells Samrat that he should go and she will help her with the notes.

Dia takes advantage of the opportunity and says Sam-Gunjan's friendship is so deep and meaningful now. Dia says she deserves a thanks for this. Gunjan thanks and Dia is like I'm so happy, its my pleasure. Then Dia mentions the bet and says its ironic how they are friends due to some fun bet. Gunjan is like what bet are you talking about. Dia says that Samrat had bet that Gunjan would sing on stage and Dia had betted against it. She explains the whole story. Gunjan is shocked.

scene shifts to Nupur walking in the hallways, reading a book at the same time. She bumps into Mayank and he asks her how she's doing. Nupur is surprised and taken aback by Mayank's smile and friendly nature. He wishes her best of luck for exams and Nupur does the same to him. Nupur then walks away all puzzled and confused.

scene shifts back to Dia and Gunjan. Dia says she's sorry that Gunjan did not know about the bet -- she had assumed she already knew. Dia says that Gunjan should know that Samrat lies. Dia can't get enough and then tells Gunjan that Samrat WAS indeed cheating during the exams -- the chit was meant for Samrat! Dia leaves her and Gunjan is alone, all puzzled, shocked! She just stands their for a few minutes and thinks of the moments when she became friends with Samrat and also when samrat wanted to gift her the mug. Samrat calls out to Gunjan as its class time -- 'hey chashmish'. Gunjan just looks at him and thinks about what Dia said about the bet and cheating. Samrat is a little puzzled with Gunjan's expression and is trying to figure out whats wrong. In the classroom, he walks to her desk and asks her is there is any problem. Gunjan just stares at him and says nothing. Samrat continues to ask her to speak up, say something but Gunjan continues the silent treatment. Class begins.

Gunjan is still in her own world during class. She is sitting in class but we know her mind is still pondering over what Dia said. Samrat continues to stare at her and Dia continues to smile at herself, being v proud of what she did. Angry

Scene shifts to Shukla's class. He passes the exams out. Nupur is exhilarated at seeing the exam ques! Makaan paper mila hai aaj! LOL Mayank hears her and just smiles at her.

Scenes shifts back to Devdhar/Deodhar class. Gunjan is writing her paper but tears still flowing down her face and on her exam paper. She knocks her papers down on the floor by accident and Samrat in an instant helps her to pick them up. Their eyes meet. Samrat sees tears in her eyes and asks 'whats wrong Gunjan' (plz say: Awwww) Devdhar sees them and passes some sarcastic remark on how he knows Samrat is of helpful nature but Gunjan does not need any help. gunjan and samrat go back to their respective desks.  Samrat continues his long glances at Gunjan.

Scene shifts to Uday in Shukla's class. Uday is done with his paper but does not want to leave the class. He looks at his paper again and realizes he forgot to answer a question on the battles which Akbar fought. he remembers Nups talking about this question and is happy. He makes some weird gesture to Nupur (guess he was thanking her or something in his own odd way) and writes his answer in a letter/song  form ConfusedLOL mayank hears him and starts laughing to himself. he is very amused with Uday's testing taking habits. LOL Little later, Mayank and Nupur both get up from their desks, look at each and then walk away.

scenes shifts back to SaJan in class. Samrat is writing his paper, looking at Gunjan (talk about multitasking LOL) Bell rings and there is 15 min of exam time left. Gunjan gets up and gives her paper even tho she has 15 min left. Sir tells her there is 15 min still left and that she can revise her paper. Gunjan just shakes her head meaning no (she is not talking at all) and walks out of class. Samrat is obviously watching her leave and tries to figure out whats wrong with her.

Episode ends.

Mayank is asking Devdhar for his exam marks and sir is surprised that he is so impatient this time. Nupur overhears them.
Samrat asks Gunjan why she is behaving so oddly now. Gunjan just looks at him. Annie-Dia overhear.


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