Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

103 Episode 3rd April Miley Jab Hum Tum Written Update

Gunjan hears a violin, and realizes it's the 5th Funda of Love. Nupur is impressed, and thinks Gunjan really is in love. Nupur hears the violin also, and Gunjan walks off. She stops to see a guy playing his violin, and wonders what is happening to her. Nupur walks up to Gunjan, and laughs at her self for thinking about the "Pyaar Ke Funde" Nupur wonders who could fall in love with her, anyways. Everyone congratulates Mayank for his performance, and Nupur is confused.

Anne says though the Holi Party was very wild, next year's party will be Diya Style, very prim and proper. Diya says Holi is a long time away, and before that is Rose Day. Diya gives all the responsibility of organizing it. Anne is shocked and happy, and thanks Diya. Anne makes an announcment telling everyone she is organizing Rose Day, and tells everyone to wait for her orders. No one pays attention, and she makes them say ok. Benji asks Samrat why they are still at the table. Samrat tells Benji to relax, and says Diya will feel bad if they leave. Benji says they need to find a target to play a prank on for April Fool's Day. Dodo asks everyone if they found his Dream Girl.

Benji tells Uday if they did see her, they would have a nightmare. Uday scolds Benji and leaves. Samrat tells Benji if he wants to leave, they should go now, while Diya is busy talking. Samrat and Benji get up, and Diya asks where they are going. Samrat says he will be back soon, and they run off. Dodo comes as soon as they leave, and says they left just as he came. Diya hits Dodo, and they leave, leaving him alone. Dodo says Diya must have a brain deffect, where she hits more than she talks.

Samrat and Benji sit next to Benji, and he gets very confused. Samrat tells Dodo it's Rose Day today, and Dodo says there is day everyday, so Rose Day should be everyday.LOL Dodo realizes it's April Fool's Day. Samrat tells Benji to make Dodo understand, or he will loose his temper. Benji explains to Dodo that April Fool's Day and Rose Day are they same thing, and people give roses to people to make a fool out of them. Dodo understands what Benji is saying. Dodo thanks them, and leaves. Samrat and Benji laugh at their plan.

A girl compliments Mayank, and Nupur is shocked to see Mayank is standing on his 2 feet. She asks him if he is looking for anyone. Mayank says yes, and quickly says no. Mayank asks Nupur how it concerns her if he is looking for anyone. Nupur tells Mayank his dance was awesome, and his dialogue was outstanding. Mayank said the only reason he said the dialogue was because he wasn't in a proper state of mind. Nupur asks him what he meant. Mayank said he wasn't thinking when he said it. Nupur tells him he truly meant it, because he said he is normal when he has Bhang. They walk off. Mayank is confused, and no one is speaking clearly. Nupur asks if he saw what she saw, Samrat and Gunjan. Mayank realizes Nupur was talking about Samrat and Gunjan. Nupur says Gunjan and Mayank were completely out of their nature, and were so fun-loving. Nupur says his dance steps were outstanding. Nupur asks him if he wants to go to class, otherwise they will be late. Mayank says he needs to go to the bathroom, and asks if he needs permission from her. Nupur tells him to be back soon. Mayank asks himself if he forgot the way to the bathroom.

Samrat talks to himself, and says Mayank may be in love, and he needs help from Samrat. Mayank runs towards the bathroom, and stops once he sees Samrat. Samrat says Mayank is in need of his help. Mayank says he is wrong, and says Samrat himself needs help. Samrat and Mayank fight over the issue, and Samrat smiles.

Gunjan wonders what is going on with herself. Dodo bumps into her with a large boquet of flowers. Dodo tells Gunjan he bumped into 21 girls. Gunjan asks him who he is looking for. Dodo says he's looking for his Dream Girl, and she is playing hide and seek with him.

Samrat asks Mayank what the problem is, when the mind is playing hide and seek with the body. He says as per his experience, when something happens, it surely happens. Mayank says he hates hide and seek, and says he is wrong. Samrat tells him it's he's wrong, and its normal something happens to everyone. Mayank tells Samrat to focus on his basketball, and let him focus on his books. Samrat is glad no one heard what Mayank said, and says there is nothing between them. After a long time with Mayank, Samrat finally finds out Nupur is the girl in Mayank's heart.

Dodo tells Gunjan all about love. Gunjan realizes she has all the symptoms of love. Dodo says he feels more hungry during love, instead of not feeling hungry. Dodo tells Gunjan about Rose Day, and leaves to find his dream girl.Gunjan thinks of what Nupur said about love.

Samrat says Nupur is his love. Mayank tells Samrat to be quiet, and says he doesn't have time for his nonsense. Samrat tells Mayank he can help him, and Mayank tells Samrat he needs his help. Mayank tells Samrat to go away, and asks if he will do that for him. Mayank leaves.

Dodo goes to class, and Nupur cheerfully greets him. Nupur asks why he is sad. Dodo tells her he can't find his dream girl. Dodo hears his dream girl's anklet, and sees her walk into class. Dodo daydreams about dancing with her, and snaps out of it. He tells her he is in love with her, the new student. Dodo kneels down and asks her to accept the boquet.

The "new student" accepts the boquet, and places them on her desk. Dodo tells her to sit with him. Dodo asks Nupur to move, and she jokingly does. The new student says she can't sit with him, because her seat is at the teacher's desk. She explains to him, she is his new teacher. Dodo is shell shocked. The teacher tells the class she is their new Dramatics Teacher, Tamana. Dodo stares at her, and she laughs.

Gunjan is walking in the library, and thinks about what everyone told her about love. Gunjan says she should take Nupur's help, as she knows best. Gunjan wonders what she should tell Nupur. Gunjan thinks of what Nupur said about love again, and Gunjan has flashes of Samrat in her mind. Gunjan wonders if she is in love with Samrat.


Samrat tells Gunjan she is more than a friend to him, and presents her with a boquet of roses.Embarrassed


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