Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos

90 Episode 17th March Miley Jab Hum Tum Written Update

Epi startted wid Mayur..They were playing dumb cheradzz..Mayank startted thinking that he's propossing Nupur..( sorry my channel gave me problem so i missed a bitOuch)
Scene shifted in excel college they showed Samrat wid diya & uday wid Benji..Benji was asking to udat that what he did thats bcoz Cj beat him like this.Uday was like.dude girls r really strange n all then he said,how he'll look 4 men & 'll hang out wid boys..Benji like,Ehh! & he left 4m there..
Scene shifted again to mayur- Excel loose d round when it was so simple..Quiz master let every1 know that the correct ans is- I love u..After heard that Nupur seems a bit upset & she looked at mayank & mayank seems a bit confused( may be he doesnt know what to say abt it n what to not)

After d break- Ghunjan seeing some CD collection & making notes,At d point CD's fell down 4m her hand & Ghunjan remember Nupur & samrat,she was wishing them to der wid her.. & later she said to herself,Y her every words start to samrat n finish on samrat..
That time she saw samrat there..Ghunjan was surprised to see him there..Samrat brought 4Ghunjan a huge CD collection & Benji said,samrat brought them 4her but he carried dem 4her..Benji added that he's a "Free ka naukar" of samrat,Ghunjan smiled & samrat gave him a taugh look..after a lil dosti type of convo Benji said he's goona watch d movie back,actually samrat went to watch a movie wid diya but by d intervel he came back along wid Benji..Anyways samrat stoped benji to go again to watch that moviw as he said him what goona happen at d endLOLBenji got angry & said Ghunjan u r my best friend..& sammy..uff!LOLHe left..

Scene shifted to Mayur- Nupur said to mayank" d u watched "KKHH"(Kuch kuch hota hai} mayank got confused..Nupur explain d movie name & add,yeah how can u watch any flim u toh whole day busy to read all books..then how can u know how to say "i Love u"..Nupur taught mayank how to say i love u..& every1 claps.

After d break- sajan was in cafeterria..They were laughing on old songs..songs like "mere piya (LOLLOLLOLnot meLOLLOL) gaye rangoon & chill chill(jo humme karne ki zarrorat haiLOL) chiillake kajri sunai..& samrat startted talking abt shammy kappor's stuff..that id he dressed like shammy kappor,he'll look so funny..Ghunjan said,she also dressed like old heroins..but samrat said to her..there is only 1 word 4her & that's Beautiful.B2in this beautiful convo diya & her gang inturropt..& Sam couldnt understand y diya behaving like dis as she said,she's very angry wid him..

Scene shifted to mayur-mayank got confused he thinks,he said i love u too nupur but nupur heard nothing & he confused to see how nupue couldnt heard anything..That quiz master announced d reasult-Excel won d round.. (but howConfusedConfused)

Scene again shifted to cafeteria-Diya asked,y sam left them there,sam said movie was boaring & after coming here he get to know dat old songs r much interesting than the movie..Ghunjan said to samrat,she'll leave now 4practise,sam said he'll drop her but diya again interropt & sam 'd to stay as ghunjan also wanted dat..Ghunjan left ..Diya sat on Ghunjan's place..samrat gave her a flower.. Ghunjan truned & saw dat & smiled..

Epi ended..


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