the episode starts with mayank seeing the flashback when he realized nupur was using ishika......then he see's the flashback of his mother reading the bhagwad geeta to him out loud and then explaining that the sloke meant the more yoiu like someone..the more you hate that mayank says i do not like nupur..i am not angry towards her...mayu's mom says that she wasnt taloking about nupur she was talking about bhagwad geeta...Back in the present-mayank says i am not interested in are wrong maa..
benjie thinks the three girls who are smiling and waving are waving at him....but he turns around to find sammy infront sammy says that whenever a girl smiles and blushes it means sammy is here....Benjie asks sammy why is he so happy...sammy says you will get to know...gunjan passes by and sammy acts all non-chalant why secret ly shooting glances at gunjan..who was looking at him
Mayank is walkign down the corridor and see's CJ......CJ circles him and comments that their is no change...and asks if him ..if the rumors are correct you went to a ladies saloon..but why arent there any changes?...mayank admits he went to the saloon..but only to find a partner for the meet...and he blames it on her as she wont agree to be his partner ..Cj says she enjoys the nupur vs mayank fight from the sidelines and she congrats him on losing the second place by just few marks....mayank starts to get angry and CJ says"gussa gussa"
Gunjan and Nupur are sitting when gunjan's friend and a band circles gunjan singing"congratulations and celebration..nanana" Gunjan scored 97% in the exams and helping sammy pass too...and 97%was the highest anyone has scored.Benjie says to samrat"thats why you are so happy".....Gunjan says the result isnt out yet how do u know?...eveyrone vanishes but gunjan's friend..even though sammy was shooting daggers at her by mistake gunjan's friend told gunjan sammy found out her marks..and she looks angrily at sammy and goes away....nupur follows gunjan......but dheodhar tells her to come inside.Inside mayank is even there and dheodhar tells them that they will together go tommorow morning to ahemdabhad for the is decided.
Benjie..dia..jacko..annie...uday are in the cateen..and annie starts to timer and uday starts eating burgers ...but before he could finish all the burgers is stomache got better of him and he stopped eating and annie..jacko..and dia went away from there in disgust.uday bumps into cj and cj threatens him that if bumps into her again he will never bump into anyone..uday asks benjie if he done with all the laughing!benjie says yes..and uday says tell me who the girl is..benjie thinks he has to tell he tells cj's name
Gunjan is sitting on a bench and sammy comes and sits next to her..he says hi and she jumps...she gets up tog ..when sammy tells her that the smelly hair professor is calling her to the principal's office..gunjan asks why..sammy shrugs..gunjan is about to tell him off for joking when a peon comes and tells that she has to report to the principal..sammy goes away smiling
Nupur recalls the scene where gunjan told him mayank isnt so bad and discussing will help and she wont get a better partner than nupur stops mayank and tells him that if they have to be partners then can do it with a bit of responsiblity and(she said a hindi word ...but i do not know the meaning of that word sooo soryy...)mayank says she cant be responsible as the trick she played against him using ishika couldnt be done by a responsible person it can only be done by an disgusting person...nupur isbaout to shout but she closes her eyes and tries to alm herself..when she opens her eyes mayank isnt there...she see's him going away..she shouts"ap tum dum dabake kyun bhag rahe ho"mayank stops so does the other people........mayank turns around.
Miley Jab Hum Tum Episodes Videos
29th Jan
28th Jan
Scene 1
Nupur tease Mayu and told him that what he doing here. Mayu told her that he has right to go any where as go to ladies hair salon or bathroom, why she is chasing him. Nupur told that she is not chasing him but he is chasing her. She also told that looked around if he saw one boy here. She added that no one boy here if that is a ladies salon. Mayu told that includes him one more boy here and pull bobby and told her that he was a man. Nupur tease him again. Bobby told that if he (Mayu) colored his hair red then he would look so cute. Nupur agreed and told that he colored his hair red and wear white shirt and he looks like Ambulance. She caught his hand and bobby wants to put color in his hair but Mayu split and run toward the door but he stop to seen her mother. Scene was that bobby take hold of Mayu's neck in his hands. Mom shocked and asked to Mayu that what this happened. Nupur also shocked to see her there. She think that this not in plan but everything happened for good..
Scene 2
Benji asked to peon about Sam but peon told him that he searching him too. Peon gave him a file and told him that if he would meet to Sam then he give him that file. Peon told him that file has basketball tournament forms. Benji told himself that he would be peon in future because that was so comfortable job get and go. He turns and pump with Uday, who searching that girl who kissed him in New Year night. Benji fall down and Uday fall on him. Benji call to help and Uday told him that he is here to help him. Benji push him. Uday told him if he (Benji) help him to find out that girl who kissed him in New Year night. He told that that girl no to be find ever .he left there and Uday again start his work.
Scene 3
Mayu 's mom saw Nupur and called her. Nupur greets her. Mom asked him what happened here. Mayu confused and Nupur was happy.
Eshika told that why she called Mayu's Mom. Nupur told that she doesn't knew but sometime twist make more interesting. Mayu told her mom that he could explain her.Bobby told that he come little time before and do nothing. But he confused. Nupur told his mom that she could explain that she is Ishiqa and they are partner. Mom asked that who is Eshika. Nupur told her that she was Mayu's Academic weeks partner. Mayu told her mom that she is not her partner but he come here to convince her. But Mayu shocked that how Nupur knows about that. He asked to her that how she know that. Nupur shocked and not answered him.
Scene 4
Sam thinks that how he convince Gunjan and he goes to locker room. Benji was hiding there .Sam touch his hand and he think that was Uday. Sam asked him if he was waiting for Uday. Benji told him that why if Uday told him something. Sam talking about Gunjan and Benji think that he is talking about Uday. Sam convince him to help him for Gunjan matter and Benji told him that he would not help him ever in that condition. Sam thinks that he has plan to get Gunjan friendship.
Scene 5
Nupur didn't answered and Mayu understand that was her plan. He told her that she done cheep thinks to divert his concentration to finding out his partner and she can win. He also told that she only done that cheep thing because she worries to him. She told that she was not but he was worried to her and for that he goes anywhere to find out the partner. Mayu get angry and told that she would not win the competition ever and not to be his academic partner never ever. He also told he would be go to in competition alone. She told that he always be alone because of his rode behaviors .she remembered him that she would win the competition. He told that once by chance she go passed him but not that time, that time he would be winner. She told that she wins and he loose and always be alone. She told him that he was like a child which fighting but when he loosing then he called her mom to save her. Mayu angry and told that he is not like that and he turn to his mom to favor him but she was laughing. She turns toward Eshika and told her that look at him he want live alone then what you are doing here. She goes toward door and turn to Mayu's mom and tell her sorry and told that she didn't want to talked like that in front of her but unfortunate .Mom told her that she not to worried and she was not interfere because children are fighting .Mom wish her best of luck. Nupur get happy and thanked her. She also looks at Mayu. She left the salon.
Mom asked to Mayu that what happened to him and why he fighting likes a child.
Scene 6
Gunjan and Sam meet on way. They stare each other and Sam what to talk her but meanwhile a basketball hurt Gunjan and Sam get angry. A boy comes to Gunjan and told her that is basketball court and she have to care that thing. Sam told him to say her (Gunjan) sorry in 5 second. Boy told that he is practicing .Sam told that if he didn't
Know basketball why he trying to play. Sam picks the paper of r Gunjan told that she didn't need to any help of him. Sam told to boy that he didn't hear word sorry. He says sorry. Gunjan told him that don't make that mistake again, because very difficult to ignore and forgiveness sometime. Sam dishearten
Scene 7
Mayu was promising to himself to teach lesson Nupur for this act.
Sam was promising to Gunjan to make her his friend soon.
Scene 8
Nupur and Gunjan talking about Mayu's condition .she told that he was so aggressive and proud person. Gunjan told her that understands him that he is a good guy. Nupur asked her if she was talking about Sam. Gunjan asked her that why she always favor Sam. Nupur shocked and told her that why she always favor Mayu. Gunjan shocked.
Episode end
27th Epi
Samrat and Gunjan smile at each other......Gunjan is telling him to drink his coffee.....
he suddenly see's chintu shouting coffee!coffee!coffee!.......he see's gunjan sitting on the other sid eof teh cafe..and he realizes he was day dreaming..
Sammy luks at gunjan and gunjan at sammy..chintu asks him where is he lost?...sammy gets does Gunjan..gunjan walks away leaving a forlorn sammy behind..
Benjie is walking down the corridor telling himself to be a man and to forget what happened.he saw one of his friends and bumped his chest against his..the friend is impressed and sk....
Shiva's Salon:
Mayank enters the saloon and the (maa da ladla bigad gaya)boy(the hairdresser)winks at him..mayank turns to go back but stops himself and says"be a man".....and he smiles..and goes and sit in a sofa,The owner of the saloon comes and tells his name is bobbyand asks mayank if needs an haircut or an massage....mayanks says no i am just waiting here for some-one the owner goes back rather disappointed(he's the maa da ladla magazine has an embarrassing page opened..the girl sitting next to him smirks...mayank quickly closes the magazine
Sammy is sitting in the cafe when dia comes and tells him she is rather angry with me...sammy asks why and she tells as you havent wished my new year he does.Then sammy tells he has a prob and all..and asks about guru!Dia tells him to tell her his problems...Sammy is about to tell..when guru calls..Dia tells Sammy to hold on..sammy is rather sad and goes off...Dia keeps dow the phone and finds sammy missing..she hopes sammy heard her talk with guru and got jealous as if he dint then for nothing ata ll she has to go on a date with an idiot
Benjie tells the 2nd floor se upparwale ko that he hasnt seen an guy/girl from a bad intention then whyyy himmm???.......uday comes and slaps benjie at the back..and benjie falls and uday catches him....uday tells this is exactly how the ""girl"" fell and this is how he caught her..benjie gets up...and declines uday's offer to help him find the girl "girl"uday kissed.
Back at the saloon:
Mayank tells i am the only boy here bobby comes at looks at mayank..mayank says "2 and me"the owner goes away...Ipshika comes and says"bobby"and see's mayank..Mayank gets up and mayank and ipshika half hug....bobby comes and ipshika and boby hug each other....then mayank an dbobby get into a fight..ipshika clears it and then ipshika sits for hair cutting......
Gunjan is walking down the corridor and see's 2 bouqets she thinks sammy has kept it for her and she tells she shouldnt think of sammy...suddnely a flash of light comes and we see uday walking backwards with a mirror in hs hands.......Gunjan goes up to him and says"uday bhaiyya"....uday jumps and says"udya bhiayya ke behen..aisa bhaiyya ke kaan mein picchey se akey nahiin chilaana chahiye....bhaiyya dar jayenge"gunjan says sorry..she asks what he is doing?he says investigation...gunjan asks investigation of what?he says"kiss ke baare mein"gunjan says thats what am i saying"kiss ke baare emin?" uday says the samething finally uday says"i am finding the girl who kiss..(seeing the big O forming on gunjan's lips)he quickly says i am finding the girl who is in my kismat!"
Mayank is trying to tell ishika about the academic meet but bobby keeps getting in the way..finally mayank says"what is your problem?"..bobby tells naother girl to take care of ishika's hair and goes to mayank and touches mayu's hair..mayu says dont touch my hair..bobby says"what a funny thing to say in a saloon"..mayank saying"dont touch my hair"moves backward until he is on the sofa..nupur tells him "to let bobby touch his hair"..mayank is shocked..he asks nupur why is she here?....nupur says a hindi saying(muhavra)and says i should ask why you are in a ladie's saloon..mayank looks around and see's the board where it is written that is an only ladies saloon.Nupur says this will be the headline tommorow in college..mayank thinks to himself"ki ab to college mein dhindhora peet jayega..(sumthing like this)"
Nupur says "maine tumhe range baal(she touches his hair)pakad liya hai)
26th Jan
THe episode starts with..
showing the recap how nupur hears everything wht samrat tels..
Nupur tryin to make her understand..but gunjan takin it wrong..
Gunjan is not gettin convinced n told nupur to close the topic..
Nupur tels ur wish..n tels dia told her to look aft the guests..n go away from ther..
but b4 leaving from the room she thn tels mit be she is not able to make u understand..if a person apologises truly it does reach the heart..
samrat was apologising truly..jus think atleast once wht i told to u..!! [:)]..n goes off
next scene..benji washing his face..n thinkin abt the kissing scene..ha ha[:D][:D]..!!
the uday cmes..he almosts runs away but uday catches him n start askin abt the gal wht colour lipstick she was wearing..benji gets all irritated..haha lolzz[:D]
n says..she wasnt wearing any lipstick..[:D]..uday wil be like how?[:O] u knw?[:O]..benji-wil be like tryin to tel his name..but thn changes n tel ki ther is not lipstick in ur lips..haha[:D]..
uday wil be like okies now i hav find the gal who had put jasmine wala perfume..thn he wil start smellin n tels he cant get the smell here also..benji wil be almost embarrassed..!! n runs away from ther..
uday wil be like yeh toh aise bhaag raha hain jaise main iski kiss lene wala hoon..[:D]..iske kis..eww!![:D]..thn goes from ther..
NExt scene at mayank's house..
he wil hide wen her mom enters his room..n she wil be finding for him..
he wil life her up n wish her happy new year..cute scene[:)]..n tels bringing lots of love for the best mom in the world[:)]
n she hugs him n wishes him too..
he wil so happy n wil be like almost insane..[:D]..
next scene..gunjan wil be lying down..thinkin wht nupur told to her..
thn samrat wil be lying down wil be remembering abt wht gun told to him..abt the bet thing n all..damn depressed..
next scene dia in her room..damn frustrated n gets a cal..she thinks it is samrat..was guru's so she threw it off...!!
thn they show nupur lukin at gun n telin her wht u are thinkin is wrong..samrat did came to talk to me not thinkin tht i must cme n tel ya but thinkin it was the time she says this gun already slept off..thn nupur decides to talk to her tomo..but she wouldn hav slept..[:(]..
other scene..samrat wil be sighing n wil take his phone n make a cal to gun;s house..but thn wil cut it..but inturn gets a cal from her..
he wil get all happy..n wish her..
gun wil be so rude n tel him she called to tel her whtever u said n did i wan to 4get everything..he wil be like wht u 4gave me..thn she wil be like who am i to 4give u..i jus wan to say whtever happened happened..
n how much ever we try to think abt gets messed up from now onwards i don want to think ya tel anything..sammy all tensed..[:(]
samrat wil be like magar gunjan..she wil like isme magar khi gunjanish hi nahi reh gayi hain..main jaanti hoon yeh mere liye sahi hain aur tumhare liye bhi..aur is sab ke beech main di ko mat keencho..woh hi shayad mere achi dost ya sirf ek dost..unke zariye mujhe kuch bhi samajne khi koshish mat karo..tumhara keemti time kharab ho jayenga..
he wil be like tryin to make her understand wht u thinkin is wrong..she tels no i understood..u hav a life which u are happy..!!plz mujhe apni taraf se khush rehne do..main tumhare jaise nahi banani plz sab kuch bulake aage badne ke koshish karo..aft tht she keeps the reciever down n samrat wil be calin her from the other side..she starts crying..thn hungs up the phone..
samrat becomes all speechless..
thn next day at the coll..
sammy walkin almost in confused way..very adsent minded..he wents n hits a peon of the coll..thn hes like sorry..peon wil be like holiday ke din col main kyun aur woh bhi inni jaldi..samrat wil be like ghar pe bore ho raha tha main..peon wil be like aap bahut badal gaye ho kyun ki aap hamesha mere sawaalon kha ulta jawaab dethe ho..
thn at tht time Nupur sees him..n tries to hide from him..she wil be very hesistant to talk to him..but gathers all her confidence n decides to go n talk to him..
thn confronts him but wont be able to say anything..thn aft so much time says hi asks how are u?
she says..dekho samrat kal jo kuch bhi hua..
but sam interrupts..don worry main theek hoon..thn goes off..
she feels she hurted him ...but thn turns n cals him..
but he justs turns n sighs..thn goes off..
But she was interrupted by ishika..askin her y she cal her during holiday to the coll..she wil like wht if mayank cmes to knw abt this..nupur wil be like sshh secret must be kept secret..dindora nahi peetana chahiye[:D]..!!and tels her she caled her to give ans to her qns[:D]..
but simulataneously lukin for samrat..and goes off..
next scene-samrat cmes to the canteen..over ther gun is sitting..
he justs becomes very silent..
but thn the canteen wala wil be like very happy wil be telin to gun tht he wil bring her a coffee..but thn sees sam n cals him out..he wil like cmin out of a sudden silence and sees gun..a scene of a eye lock between them..
thn the canteen wala wil be like m happy tht durin this 1st day my 2 fav students are ther..this would be ma best day..
but gun tels him shez leaving to library..he wil be like ur coffee..gun-main aake piungi..canteen wala-nahi 5 mins wait karo..abhi lata hoon..!!
sam wil be like dumbstruck[:(]..thn gun leaves from ther..but thn he gets up from his chair n catches her hand..n stops her..
he tries to make her understand she must listen wht he is tring to say..n she has to listen to it..
thn serenades n tels her..bahut log mere friends hain..lekin main sirf tumhare friend rehna chahta hoon..true friend..kyun ki tum mere liye bahut spl ho ..aur mere dil main tumhare liye spl jagah hain..main tumse mere saari galtiyon ke maafi maangna chahta hoon..plz mujhe maaf kardo..
she tels.. samrat utho..samrat plz utho..sam wil be like main tab tak nahi uthunga jab tak tum maaf nahi karoenge..thn gun wil be like theek hain..thn he gets up very happy..gun smiling..jus a gud scene..[:)]..
Epi khatam! [:)]
22st Jan
Nupur and gunjan are talking..benjie cums and tells nupur is calling her..dia goes away..den so does benjie..and he tells Sammy the job is done'.Benjie switches off the main outself of lights in dia's house'as told by sammy'Samrat puts his hand on "gunjan's "mouth..and takes her to a room..he tells her to not to be scared as he is samrat..and he wants to say sorry'he says everyone knows the cool champ Sammy'but you know the real samrat..the samrat who cheats and lies'.i was always alone..and if u don't forgive me ..i will be left alone'when you said we can never be hurt a lot'as you are my true friend and I dnt wanna loose you'he tells "gunjan"to say something'"gunjan" goes towards the windows and Sammy is shocked to see nupur'nupur had a tear rolling down her cheek..and then a flashback comes which tells us where did gunjan go..and how did nupur come'..Samrat goes away dejected'..the new year countdown begins..and dia is finding Sammy''udya is telling him to kiss a girl'at new year'when the countdown ends he pulls a "girl" near by and kisses her'
Gunjan was praying to god when mayu comes by'.he wishes her happy new year and says god will be happy atleast someone wished him'gunjan wishes him back..and says I better go and wish nupur dee'.She goes away
Samrat is coming down the stairs when he meets Gunjan on the way..they both stare at each other and dia comes and wishes Sammy new year'and hugs him..gunjan goes away..smamy stares after her'dia is upset since Sammy dint wish her properly'guru comes and hugs dia and wishes her new year..sammy goes away'Dia shouts at Guru and storms away again'
Sammy and mayank meet each other while going out of the party..and wish each other happy new year..aand luck for the upcoming year..mayank understands something is bothering Sammy'.
Nupur finds Gunjan..and hugs her..and wishes her new year'.nupur is looking upset'nupur tells gunjan she has to tell her something about Sammy
Benjie and Sammy are sitting outside dia's house..and Sammy si going..benjie asks where?....sammy says I need to be alone for a while'after Sammy goes..benjie turns around to find uday right infront of him..he shouts ahh..and says do you want to give me a heart attack?..uda y says sorry..and tells that he kissed a girl..she had a jasmine smell'benjie's flashback-uhh the girl who is gunjan's friend..and has a crush on mayank and Sammy'is talking about no ac'and etc..and takes out her perfume(jasmine smell)and sprays it..since benjie was right behind her..he gets sprayed too..and then..he is walking and suddenly uday pulls him and kisses him(lol'.maa da ladla bigad gaya'maa da lada bigad gaya..hehe)..back in the present..benjie shouts nahiiiiiiiiiin'and vanishes..
Nupur is trying to make gunjan understand that Sammy is sincerely sorry..but gunjan tells you have just come under his spell'I know him'.he must be lying again'..talking to you can tell me to forgive him..and she says I don't want to talk about this anymore..and she starts crying..
21st Jan
Scene 1
Gunjan was alone on the trace and Sam goes to her and asked that he didn't understand why she left from there. He requested her to speak but Gunjan was silent. He turns her face and look at her. She was crying. She silently looks at him and told him that he didn't understand her or may be she has mistaken to understand him. She told that she feel for a while that he (Sam) understand others feeling but now she thinks that he only thinks for himself. Sam told that if she thinks about him like that he didn't think it ever, he did anything its only for her. She has tears in her eyes and she told that she doesn't like to pull her in crowd and when everyone have eyes on her that she doesn't like it also and he know all that. She added that bet was on that thing .Sam shocked. She told that he like all that and he done all that only for bet not for her. He answered that he only want to show in song that how she is important for him and their friendship is … but Gunjan interrupt him and told that she gave chance to their friendship and think that an another face behind that Sam and nobody know him except her and she want to friendship with him but that was her mistake to understand that .she also told that feeling or anything doesn't touch his heart. Sam want to say anything but she stop him and told him that she decide that she didn't want to carrying past unpleasant incident in New Year, which hurt her feelings and she didn't want to repeat her mistakes again. Sam looks at her and upset. Tears were rolling on her face. They stare each other and Gunjan left there. He was looking at the stars.
Scene 2
A girls was talking to Mayank she was so confidence and clever. Mayank was impressed to her and told that their views are so similar .He asked her that in which class she is .she answered that She is in first year in excels college and she is Eshika. He told that he didn't saw her in college before. She told that if he left his books then he could see around him. Mayank was very happy. He asked that she have a sharp and intelligent mind but not saw in results. She wants Mayank drunk and he gave her .she look behind him and Nupur wish her. She told that she has not interest in books knowledge but she aware knowledge from the people. She told him that net surfing, reading of business magazine and reading newspaper is her hobbies. Mayank told that interesting hobbies.
Nupur show her hand as perfect sign.
Scene 3
Sam comes down from the trace and look around him. College friends congregated his song. he only shack hands but not talked to anyone. Diya look at him and called him. She told him that she was looking him long time and she also wants to introduce Guru. Sam looks at Guru. Sam shakes hand to him and left there. Diya was shocking to see that. Guru told her that he want to dance with her. Diya tease him that he is only because of him but can't divert his attention a whale. Guru told him that if he is not with her but he is with her. Diya left there in anger.
Scene 4
milye jab hum was playing and he look around and everyone was busy. He flash pervious moment of Gunjan and him was meet. He saw Gunjan and Gunjan also saw him. Gunjan look at him. He wants to say something but Gunjan left again. His eyes follow her.
Scene 5
Sam asked to Benji that if he (Sam) only think about himself and he has not care to others fallings. Benji didn't understand what he wants to say. He also asked that if he is not able to friendship. He called Gunjan name. Benji told that he know that he firing of the questions on him one by one, he understand that the answer only Gunjan. Sam told that he wouldn't talk to him ever and not saw him also. Benji shocked to see his condition. He also told that she want to forget him like a bad dream forever. Benji console him and told to have passions. Sam told him that today he want that he (Benji) didn't cheer up him (Sam). Sam asked him that if he is his true friend that answered him truly. Benji told that a friend like him was very difficult to meet and he is a good friend. Sam told that only he like that .He take his hand in the Benji shoulder and left. Banji goes in thoughts.
Scene 6
Mayank tells Eshika about academic meets and offer her make his partner. She Refuse his offer and told him that her mom is strict and she not allow her for that. She look at Nupur she make a sign of perfect. Mayu convince her for that but she again refuses because of Nupur, who instructed her. Eshika has excited to be Mayank partner but Nupur instructs her be patient. She (Eshika) told that she not likes to in track to people and might be he not saw her in any competitions. She (again) wants to permission Nupur to accept his proposal but she stops her. Nupur instruct her left there. She (Eshika) told Mayu that she has to leave. Mayu told her that New Year is coming and party is start not end. Eshika told that her mom allow her utmost 12pm.Mayu told her to nice meeting her and they have to meet again. He thinks that on that way he would be convince her to make his partner. She told that they can meet but she gets the permission to her mom. Mayu surprised and asked for meeting. She told that she has an appointment on beauty saloon at 3pm if he wants then they can meet there. He hesitate to meet her at there she told that boys are allowed there. He told her if they meet after her appointment in any coffee shop. She again want permission to accept his proposal but Nupur make a sign of pinch if she accept it. She refuses and told that only that way they can because her mother is so strict. Mayu agree and she excited but Nupur stop her. She left. Mayu smile and think that I have find a good partner. Nupur was so happy and she big smiles on her face. Mayu saw and surprise to see her happy. He goes to her and told her that she looking so excited .she answered that she has to be excited because new year is coming and in this year gone to forward and left everyone behind .he told that a road block come in her way he has find a new partner and because of that may be she backward. She smiles but show to Mayu. She acts like she has shocked to hear that and she told that she has to do anything quickly otherwise he would be go forward. He told that he always. He left.she smile and told that you go forward but once you have to check her license first whom you gave the steering. She told her self that she is great.
Scene 7
Udey looking around and looks watch and told that he has only 20 minute and last boll. He saw a girl who was alone. He goes to her and tells her hey. It whale a boy come and bring the girl somewhere. He looks another. He told her that he didn't saw her here before. She tells that she is new here. He get happy to hear that and offer her to eat something and bring many foods for her she eat little bit everything. After that he bring juice for her. He told her that he forget to introduce himself and he is U A D Y, Uday and he is the. …girl interrupts and told him to let her guess. Uday agree. She told him that he is the head waiter here. He shocked.
Scene 8
Sam thinks about Gunjan and told himself that Gunjan was right, he didn't want to understand her, always make her fun .he remember when he expose bhawash's truth .he told that not think that she like or what think hurt her. He also told that he make bet on her singing without her knowledge, she trust on him and sung but he had not potential to tell her truth, she always help him in anyways. He added that everything that she teaches it understands easily, she thought his every lies as truth. He told himself that he loose his best friend only because of his mistakes. Benji came there and called him. He asked him that where he was hided now they have to go because countdown is to be start, and after that they have to solve that problem. Sam told him to go. Benji get upset and walk to go but Sam called him. He turned. Sam requests him to help him. Benji surprise to hear word please .he tells him that definitely he would help him.
Episode end...........
20th Jan
(benjie is spying on Gunjan)Gunjan and Mayank cross each other's path in the party and they greet each other..and mayank says she is looking nice in the dress..nupur comes and says"after all..the choice is mine"..mayank says.."I wish you could make your choices too…only the blue is nice"…..after he goes away..nupur tells gunjan"did I tell him to wear blue?"Mayank hears the comment .he turns around…(I am sorry I don't remember what Mayank did)…..Mayank is in search of his partner but he is unable to find…
Dia and Annie are asking each other where is Sammy?why hasn't he come?...Guru looks bored….e suddenly see's an empty dancefloor and hears the music playing…Jacko and annie turn dia around..and she is shocked..Nupur and Gunjan are laughing..everyone is laughing at Guru..he is dancing funnily..He graps dia's hand and twirls her..when he is about to pull her into his arms..he looses his balance and falls down..bumping uday who falls on a girl..who gives him a slap..everyone is laughing..Dia storms off…Guru looks sheepish..!
Mayank see's Teejay and says"I have to find a partner for me who is as strong a contender as Nupur"..Nupur is hearing all this…A girl says hi to nupur and tells her name is Ishika…Nupur says-HI..happy new year…Ishika says "but it isn't new year's yet.."……Nupur says"My new year began when I saw Mayank"…the girl looks confused
Samrat is outside Dia' s house..lying on his back..he see's gunjan coming back he hides….Gunjan see's Samrat's bike..and remembers the time..when she first sat on the bike with him.She goes back into the house…Samrat gets up from behind the bike.
Ishika asks Nupur if mayank is her boyfriend..Nupur shouts .."boyfriend?"..and says mayank isn't her boyfriend..The girl is relieved since she has a crush on maaynk and finds him cute..Nupur laughs and says"Cute?..its ohkay..eveyrone has their own opinion"….Ishika asks if Nupur will introduce her to him…Nupur-"I will introduce?"…
Mayank is asking a girl fr the academic meet..but …….she just isn't intelligent enough…
Nupur is smirking and grinning to herself…..And says"what an idea"..she tells ishika she will introduce her.
Benjie goes to Gunjan..and is telling the food is so good that I am missing my hajmola..(lol)..Gunjan is confused….He asks where is Nupur….she says dee is there…Benjie Nupur is there you are here..if someone was with you you would enjoy more..right?someone like Samrat?..Gunjan has a sad expression on her face..and she says:excuse me"and goes away..Benjie says"dude..kuch aur bolna tha..kuch aur bol diya"….He goes after Gunjan and says"The party is nice "..and starts dancing weirdly………
Dia is fighting with Guru..and tells annie and jacko to take Guru out of the house..Jacko pulls Guru away
Gunjan is looking rather lost..Nupur asks what is wrong?Gunjan say nothing..after nupur goes away…..Gunjan says-"it is so hard to lie to yourself..i dotn care that samrat hasn't come"..Benjie appear and says"you said something"..gunjan says no..Benjie says-are you missing some-one?maybe samrat?...Gunjan goes away..and Benjie turns and bumps into Dia…The lights suddenly dim…and Samrat enters the party singing….Dia and benjie smile..Gunjan looks sad..In the song basically samrat asks for forgiveness and Nupur and mayank taunt each other.
When the song ends..Dia is frowing seeing Samrat on both of his knees….Gunjan suddenly sings….and then she rushes off..leaving samrat shocked…Dia is angry and storms off again..the music starts again..and nupur follows Gunjan…So does Samrat….
In the Terrace:
"You just went away..i dint understand anything..please say something"-Samrat
Gunjan turns and samrat see's tears in her eyes..
Episode ends.
19th Jan
- Uday asks Gunjan as to how he should impress the girls.
15th January
14th January
13th January
12th January
8th January
Episode starts with Gunjhan moving ahead after her paper ....its all the past flashes of her n samrat from the Diwali party to the Talent Parade and all the times they've spent togethere. SHe remembers them all and then Dia's wordings just breaks her abt Samrat being a leir and abt the Talent Parade bet. And She Moves into the Girls washroom where she's all alone staring at the Mirror and says " Samrat tumne aisa kyun kiya". Her pain was seen through the tears rolling through her eyes
Scene moves to the Classroom, where Deodhar tells all to keep pens down and collects paper. Samrat submits his paper and rushes out of the class room in search of Gunjhan but he did'nt find her outside the class. Seeing Samrat move out Dia is quiet angry as she does know whom Samrat is searching.
On the other side Uday, Nupur, Mayank and Cj submit thier paper. Mayank asks CJ how did her paper go to which Nupur replies that her paper was very good and too easy. Mayank gives her a broad smile and says good. Which makes Nupur suspicious as to what has happened to Mayank
and Y the hell is he behaving so sweet with her. CJ tells them both woever comes first the 2nd position is hers and no one can take that. Nupur interprets that poor Mayank has now to take the 3rd position, as 1st & 2nd both are gone. Matank leaves again with a broad Smile. This makes Nupur more tensed & she ask uday bhaiyya how his paper was? just to have a reaction from Mayank, but Mayank just cool'ly moves from there. Uday says thanks to Nupur as b'coz of Nupur's brilliant idea he gave one answer right and that was for Akbar where he had written the entire Jodha Akbar story
To which Nupur says that the Qusetion was on the war during Akbar's rein & JA was a love story. Hearing this Uday looses all the smile he had all that time abt giving an answer right.
Nupur moves out of the class where she sees Mayank and CJ discussing something. Samrat comes there with Benji and tries to enquire from her abt Gunjhan. But Nupur busy trying to get things out of Mayank, did'nt listen to Samrat, rather was trying to induslge him into her work. Samrat and Benji move from there to find Gunjhan leaving Nupur alone and talking to herself. While she sees Samrat and Benji moving from there and just ..... a pat comes from behind and she sees thier Hindi Lecturer. Who asks her if she helps him. Nupur helplessly says yes and he tells her to take the papers(answer sheets to the staff room. While taking the sheets to the staff room she realises Mayank is looking at them and so tells the prof that to help u'r elders is a real good habbit and sply u'r proffessors as they are equal to god. Mayank stops her to this and says yes and u are doing a real good job. While Nupur reaches the staff room the prof. tells her to keep the papers at the table and move from there and not to drop them as it would be a problem to sort them again & then leaves from the staff rooom. But Nupur being Nupur while she moves her Dupatta gets stuck in beteen the papers and she just pulls it off as a result all the papers fall down. Thinking that the prof might return any moment. While she pics them she notices them to be thier papers(Eco) which were corrected. She thinks whethere she should see her marks or no. But she could'nt resist and she searched for her paper. She finds her answer papers and with fear in her heart looks at the Marks which said 91. For once she could'nt believe her eyes that she got 91. she saw her name again and also turned the paper to know if it was 91 or 19. But to her surprise it was 91. She was so happy that she just couldnot control herself. But then she remembered that she has also to check her so called Dushman Angry Young Man Mayank's paper
. While she was searching for Mayank's paper the prof. returns and tells her to go out of the staff room and he'll manage with the papers. Though she was sad that she could'nt catch Mayank's marks but was extremely happy with the fact that she got 91 in Economins(Well going Nupur)
While Nupur moves out of the staff room, she sees Mayank enquiring Deodhar abt his Marks Deodhar was surprised to have Mayank ask abt his marks as he had never done this b'fore being a brilliant student. And refused to indulge any such details to him. Mayank sees Nupur overhearing this.
Samrat and Benji are still searching for Gunjhan. Samrat is very tensed as Gunjhan was found to be no where. Benji tells Samrat that he had searched the entire college including canteen, Staff Room, Library, locker Room except for Girls Wash Room. Samrat and Benji move towards Grils wash room and are standing outside the room for Gunjhan.
Mayank catch holds Nupur and asks her what is she doing there. Nupur tells him the truth and also blames him for being so insecure. She advices him that he had to ask Deodhar abt Nupur's marks, as this might help him to do well in other exams. And ends up telling him that she has scored 91 marks in Economics. Nupur leaves with giving Mayank a shock or must i say surprise.
Gunjhan comes out of the washroom. Samrat stops her and asks her what is the problem and Y is she so tensed. There's no word coming from Gunjhan's side. Samrat again instigates her to say what has happened. But Gunjhan is silent and is looking as Samrat with watery eyes. Dia and Annie are looking at all this happening. Samrat asks her if she's gonna help him for the exams nxt day. But nothing seems to work for Gunjhan. Finally Samrat says that though she's not talking all the time but this time her silence is for something else. And Annie and Dia are w8ing to watch the scene between Samrat Gunjhan.
Episode Ends.
Samrat and Gunjhan at his house. Samrat tells Gunjhan that he's not gonna study unless Gunjhan tells him what has happened. Gunjhan tells him "kuch nahii". Samrat refuses to believe and says that Gunjhan does'nt know to lie to her frnds and Gujhan replies to him saying that she never lies to her friends. and Asks him If he lies to his Friends?
7th January
Miley Jab Hum Tum Pic Gallery
at Friday, January 09, 2009 0 comments Labels: original pictures
Miley jab Hum Tum Video Updates
MJHT 8th January 2009
Part 1
Part 2
part 3
part 4
6th January
the episode starts with...gunjan & sam coming out from principle's office
where sam is all lost and he remembers wht principal told...
there all sam friends thinks wht will ahppne now... annie tells dia
abt gunjan alone with samrat and wht if teh became best frnds? dia gets
worried....dia tells i should b with samrat becoz i m his best frnd....
gunjan sees him and holds his hand, she tells him dont worry u will
pass ur exams.. sam says i m not worried gunjan sees him so he tells
yes i m really worried...sam tells u know i love bb ..i can leave my frnds but not bb...gunjan says i know... but for tht u have 2 clear the exams with good marks & for tht u have 2 study hard.... samrat says u know me very well.... they see each other.. gunjan smiles
samrat says ok but i need ur help in tht ..gunjan tells i m always there...gunjan tells u took the blame on urself abt cheating.... sam feels guilty as he
has hide the truth from gunjan... gunjan is abt 2 go 2 library for bringing
books when samrat holds her hands..gunjan gets nervous... he tells her i
cant study here as i still care for my reputation he tells u do one thing
u can teach me @ my home...gunjan first hesitates and then tells ok i
will just come.... she leaves ....
dia and all frnds comes 2 sam..dia tells sam tht she will help him with
exams... benji tells exams?? he tells its not abeauty pageant contest lol....
samrat tells if u wanna really help me plz leave me alone for sometime...
he leaves.... all his frnds r shocked...
nupur meets with gunjan.... where gunjan tells her she will b coming late
@ home as i have 2 teach sam ... nupur then tells ok... gunjan leaves....
nupur says i also have 2 prepare for my exams so will start it from
now...she starts 2 read the file but it was mayank file,... she ask some
girl abt where is mayank..she tells mayank went home..nupur also
nupur goes 2 mayanks house where she tells him tht u took my file i know
becoz u want 2 read my notes she tells him give me my file back she tries
2 go inside when her duppatta stucks in door... she fells in mayank's
arm.... they stare @ each other ..nupur says can u move aside so i can
take my dupatta back..mayank tells only i can help u in this...he takes
out her dupatta meanwhile mayank mom comes and takes nupur inside....
mayanks stands there shocked lol!!!
sam brings coffee for gunjan she sees her and says she is doing so much
for me... he gives her coffee... gunjan tells in 1 hour this is my
3rd coffee... sam says i have already finsihed 3 chapters.... gunjan tells u have
2 finish 3 more.... sam says wht if i finish these chapters in 1 hour
then will u go with me on a date? gunjan tells will u ever get serious...
sam comes close 2 her and tells i m very serious.... gunjan again gets
nervous... gunjan telsl i was talking abt books... samrat then tells
this coffee mug is for u... he tells her its my fav mug...but giving it 2
u...gunjan says i cant take this... he tells u know wht i never gifted
anything 2 i never feel like 2 give... lol sam gets a call
its from his parents... he gets upset and becomes serious
scene shifts 2 nupur sitting with mayank's mom... where she ask nupur how
was ur paper? nupur sasy it was awesome... it was more good than my
dance .... mayak comes there and fgives her file back.. mayank mom ask
mayank 2 serve somthing 2 nupur as she is a guest when nupur says its
ok.... nupur tells i have 2 prepare for exams so have 2 leave.... nupur
stands up and tells i will come first and then aunty we will go for lunch
and thts a promise...mayank mom tells wow... then i dont have 2 eat tht
chinese food... lol... nupur tells bye 2 aunty..and she tells bye 2
mayank also..
gunjan goes 2 sam who is all upset.... sam tells her tht my parents r in
paris. she ask u never discuss abt ur parents ? sam says just like
tht... sam then changes the topic and says i have 2 finish chapters or
else u have 2 spend the night here.... he says my bike is waiting for
us... gunjan says ok... sam says tht means u agreed for the date...
gunjan tells when did i said yes 2 u??..sam says u dint even told no....
gunjan says ok if u will pass all teh exams i will go with u on a date...
sam says "kahin main khushi k maaray behosh na hojaon? he is abt 2 fell
when gunjan holds him they stare @ each other.... gunjan again gets
nervous...sam stares @ her
mayank is in his room studing... actually he is lost in thought when his
mom comes and ask wht r u studing.. u have already study alot.... she tells r u scared
of nupur...he tells no iwill come 1st in the class.... his mom explains
him tht u study for urself not for doing competition etc... mayank
understoods it...mayank mom leaves and tells him2 sleep.... mayank is
in thoughts
precap: benji ask sam wht next? he tells tht i cant hide truth from gunjan
(abt the bet) he tells i will tell the truth 2 gunjan he tries talk 2
gunja.... meanwhile dia heards evrything and tells my cousin sis hate lies
and if they will get 2 know the truth they wont forgive sam.... she gives
a smirk smile
This is the EPisode pictures link-
5th January
Scene 1
Devdhar sir try to get Gunjan to principal's office but Sam interrupt and told him that that cheat was belonging to him and he was trying to tell her that. Devdhar told him that if that cheat was his then he will be go to principal's office in the place of Gunjan.
He gets his head down. Dev sir asked him he know what will be the result of it .he shake his head. Gunjan try to tell that Sam was not guilty but Sam stop her and tell her in eyes stay that chill and everything will be all right. Gunjan stop herself. Dev sir told her that she keep away from this matter because she is a brilliant student and he have not want to involution her in this cheating. Dev sir told the student that exam is not over but if all students completed their exam then he can collect their papers. Students sit their seats and start writing. But when he go out they stands up again but another teacher come in and takes the charge. Gunjan start writing.
Secne 2
In the Nupur's class all students busy but Uday makes fun and solving the questions. Mayank listen him and smile. Uday told he that now that is new question .that wahaat is the four reasons to slowdown the economics .he told himself that is the wrong question and I hear in news that economics growing faster now a days. He told that now enough to pass the exam and now need a love letter. He writes a love letter .the letter was so funny (its give fun in Urdu) He wrote that
mare pyre se, ache se teacher,
janta hoon ke main hoon phatecher,
pass kar dejeay mujhye guru ji,
nahi ghar se nikaldenge mare papa ji
And autograph. Mayank listen all and smiles.
Secne 3
Bells ring and Shukla sir told that now time is over to get supplement but if anyone want then I will give them. Nupur look at Mayu but he was writing continuously and not calls to supplement copy then she take relax. Uday stand up and Shukla sir told him that if he only raises his hand then he would give him papers. Uday told him that sir I want to go out with my hands, eyes nose and things from there and he is completed. He looks at him. Mayu wants supplement but when he went she takeover him and reached to teacher. Teacher told her that slow down and take care I'm not distributing pani pori free. Nupur told him that she has to write one more question and she wants three supplement. Mayu told tescher sir give her first.she told that no thanks she no need his help.Mayu tell that ladies frist.Nup tells that now era has changed and ladies can go forward with any support, because that give him first. Teacher told that in argument time would be runaway only fifteen minute has left. Nupur get the paper fast and gone from there and Mayu smile. Teacher give him another.
Secne 4
In the Sam's class diya was worried about Sam and Gunjan writing.
Principal 's office he shouted on Sam and told him that you were a very good student and now why you want to make yourself bad student, firstly bobby knight's story now cheating what happened with you. Sam head's was down.
Gunjan finished her paper fast and run to principal's office.
Nup's class teacher told that you have only two minutes. Nupur was finished her work and look at Mayu but he was writing .she confused and start writing again.
Secne 5
Nupur looks the Gunjan from window and shocked.
Bells ring and they gives their papers. Nupur comes to CG and asked her that how was her paper. CG tells it's ok not thinks about who has gone. Nupur told that But result show it what we had done and that was her best exam. CG tells that no talks about last paper think about next she told that no problem for her. Mayu tells CG that 34 and she replied that 30. Nupur confuse and asked her that what that mean because passing no. Is 35 .CG tells her that he told he write 34 pages and she write 30 pages. Nupur got happy and told that she write 40 pages.
Principal's office .he shout at Sam and he listen. Nupur listen and knock the door and go in. she told them that that was not his fault but he take that blame because to remove the cheating blame from her. She confidently told that Sam would not do that. Sam shocked to saw her confidant.
Sam's friends beat them who throw the cheat to Sam .he told that his only mistake to throw slows.
Secne 6
Gunjan told them that the cheat was come from back. Principal sir looks at his back. Gunjan told that was her back and Sam sit in her left, she seen the cheat then Dev sir caught her with cheat and Sam trying to help her only and she now that he can't do this. Principal sir told that if we suppose that she was right then we have an eye witness.Dev sir told that but they could not refuse that point that Sam has many reason to cheating but he has no one reason to not cheating.
Nupur asked girls about Gunjan. They told her that she caught for cheating and in principal's office .she was shocked. She goes to principal's office.
Secne 7
Uday and co. there and listen all things. They pressure on the door. Principal sir told that after a eye witness we have to him one more chance but cheating has been happened and now jury's decision is that he will give exam by hard working and if he would be fail then he lose his basket ball game. Same the time Uday and team who behind the door fall down and open the door. Uday come in and Dev sir tells him to out. Principal sir complete his words that he may be lose his college life too. Sam shocked. Gunjan also shocked.
After that Dev sir told him that now if he will be fail then nobody can stop to rusticates him even his friend and basketball. Gunjan told sir dev that she he will work hard and pass the exam and that is her responsibility. Sam shocked and looks at her.
Episode end.
This is the link to the episode pictures-